Living? Nah! I’ve just been existing! Well NO MORE!

What exactly does existing mean? What exactly does it mean to be living? I’ll answer both for you. At, least using my own life and experiences.

For the past 20 years, I’ve gotten up every morning, went to work, go home, eat, sleep and repeat. That’s it! Sad right. I work overtime, sometimes as much as 21 hours in a day ( I was working 3 jobs at this time). Each day, I went to work, gave my all and made sure my team gave their all too and went back home. Not that I have any regrets about the efforts I gave. I will either do my best or nothing at all. That being said, my labor was all it was … labor. I helped to fulfill someone else’s dreams, but what about my dreams? That’s the exact definition of “just existing”.

Now the fun begins! When you start living, things take a whole new approach and a whole new turn. Life brings with it joys, new challenges, new experiences and a sense of fulfillment and achievement. Your dreams start getting closer, you enjoy the things you do more. During your typical week or month, there is more time for family, friends and most important, yourself. You sit back, relax some and reminisce about things you have done, seen and experienced. That’s the definition of “living”

There is no extra time in life so Strat living, by working on yourself each day. Ask yourself these questions: what do I want to accomplish, am I happy, what can I do to be happy, what are my shortcomings? We all have imperfections someone might told you?

I Rise and I never will be broken again!

0 thoughts on “Living? Nah! I’ve just been existing! Well NO MORE!”

  1. Добър вечер! Наскоро открих сайта и съм много впечатлена от начина им на работа към пренаталните добавки. Те предлагат персонализирани формули за жени, които опитват да заченат или имат затруднения при забременяване. Това, което най-силно ме впечатли, е, че продуктите са адаптирани към различни нужди – има базова версия за началото на процеса, разширена за тези с по-големи предизвикателства и вариант за жени, които се нуждаят от специфична подкрепа, като при поликистоза или IVF. Всяка доза е в компактно пакетче, което е идеално, защото не се налага да мъкна няколко опаковки хапчета. Формулите са направени със съдействието на специалисти, което ми осигурява спокойствие. Ако някой иска да подобри репродуктивното си здраве, горещо препоръчвам да проверите!

    добавки за забременяване

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